Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mr. Macon's Biology class

This class will be challenging, but not hard!!! We will construct, test, practice, design, and write in order to learn. We will work in a variety of ways, individually, collaboratively, and as a class. I will provide a vital (very important) strategy to enable you to earn the best grade possible...
This is how you can give yourself the best advantage to a successfull year
1. Come to class everyday.
If you are not here you can not learn and will fall behind, whcih makes it frustrating to try and keep up)
2. Participate
Generally if you try to get involved in class discussions and assignments you will have more to add to the class, and the activities will become more interesting, and the test/quizes should become less difficult.
3 Finally, complete your work and turn it in.
You can not receive credit if you don't turn it in.

Remember this advice and days will be much more enjoyable.